Hi, I am Martin. I am currently pursuing a doctoral program at the Electronics and Computer Engineering Department, NTUST. I'm also a faculty member of Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA), a state engineering university fostered by the Institut Teknologi Bandung, located in Lampung.

Full Name : Martin Clinton Tosima Manullang, S.T., M.T.

NIP.: 19930109 201903 1 017

NIDN.: 0009019302

E-Mail : martin.manullang[at]if.itera.ac.id | [email protected]

Scopus ID : 57218935594

GScholar. : Click Here

Sinta ID. : 6701069

ORCID. : 0000-0002-7437-0851

Educational Background

Research Interest

Human-centered applications, especially in the health domain

Current Project :

"Non Contact Physiological Measurement Using Thermal Infrared Camera"

Goals :

To monitor the vital signs of the human body (blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate) with a non-contact minimal invasive method, using a thermal infrared camera.